
Michelle Obama – the first African American to become the first lady, has chronicled her journey in her book. She, in her memoir ‘Becoming’ draws a picture of an ambitious, lower middle-class lass focusing on academics to raise her economic prospects. The book takes one through her experiences from childhood in Southside of Chicago toContinue reading “Becoming”

The Grapes of Wrath

At Montaray Harbour with a statue of John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath was the first book that I read written by John Steinbeck. Herein, he tells the story of a family of impoverished farmers during the Great Depression who lose their livelihood and are forced to trek from Oklahoma to California, looking for workContinue reading “The Grapes of Wrath”

The Forty Rules of Love

Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak Here is a book that I just completed reading. – Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak. Ella takes on an assignment of reviewing a book that changes her life. It gives her a new perspective of looking at life in general. Ella is intrigued by the thirteenth-centuryContinue reading “The Forty Rules of Love”

The Silent Patient

Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides Theo Faber, the psychologist takes up a job at The Grove just so that he could find out more about Alicia Bereebnson who murdered her husband in cold blood. . What prompted Alicia to do that when she was happily married? Not just that – she stops speaking after theContinue reading “The Silent Patient”

Being Nobody, Going Nowhere Meditations on the Buddhist Path by Ayya Khema

The book required concentration and could not be read like one reads a novel. A few points struck me and have listed them out. This is not a review but more like a summary as I understood it. The Buddha said there is only one cause, one reason we experience suffering, and that’s craving. WeContinue reading “Being Nobody, Going Nowhere Meditations on the Buddhist Path by Ayya Khema”